Best Thrift Stores Near Lombard, IL

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4 Thrift Stores Found

Sponsored Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings Lombard, IL

For details relating to a listing’s shopping hours, website, ratings, comments, social media links, coupons and sale and event info, view the store’s profile.

"This is a small shop, but they are very organized and friendly. I always find something to buy h..." More

11 mi
750 W. Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60564

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Legacy Thrift


36 mi
2821 Highway Ave.
Highland, IN 46322

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All Thrift Stores, Secondhand Vintage and Consignment Shop Listings for Lombard, IL

For details, coupons, ratings, comments, and helpful links, view the store’s profile.

Want to see more listings? Try doing a city, state based search instead using a larger city or town.

"Great store! Love shopping here!" More

10.4 mi
2S507 Route 59
Warrenville, IL 60555

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"This is a small shop, but they are very organized and friendly. I always find something to buy h..." More

11 mi
750 W. Aurora Ave.
Naperville, IL 60564

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"This is like going to a yard sale - very few items, but they are priced cheaply. It's just one sm..." More

12.5 mi
306 S. Prospect Ave.
Park Ridge, IL 60068

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"I mostly donate there but I have bought a few really neat pieces. Store hours are limited and th..." More

14.1 mi
1150 N. River Rd.
Des Plaines, IL 60016

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