614 S.W. Hurbert St., Newport, OR 97365
614 S.W. Hurbert St.
Newport , OR 97365
The owner has been deceased for approximately 2+ years. This was my FAVORITE thrift store and we shopped there many years from the time the children were young well into adulthood. The owner had a heart of gold and a mission to help the less fortunate. I ve never lived in Newport but when in the area made a point of visiting this store. I cried like a baby when I came by saw the store closed. The mailman was kind enough to inform me Kelly had died from a long term terminal disease. Our family was devastated! As the mailman said “she was an angel and her death is a loss to the community”. I couldn’t agree more!
When I was new to the area with my two young sons, Jonah's Whale literally gave me bags of stuff for free. We had very little and the lady who owns and runs the store is a true humanitarian. If you've had a negative experience here then you very well may have deserved it.
I used to volunteer for Kelly for quite a while. She is a wonderful lady with the biggest heart for Lincoln county and the homeless all around. Prices are amazing. I used to regularly donate $20 a month plus paying for items(when she would actually let me pay for things).
What a horrible experience. The lady that runs the shop is absolutely rude. She would not sell us anything because, according to her "it is for the middle class community"? Even though we were willing to pay way more than the value because it was a charity organization. She actually became very aggressive more than once and told us to leave because we " we're tryingto buy out the whole store!" When in reality we had a small bag of broken jewelry and a knit hat. If this is the face of charity for the community, the community is in sad sad shape