810 Main St., La Crosse, KS 67548
810 Main St.
La Crosse , KS 67548
The only good thing that can be said about this store was at least their prices were reasonable. We were passing through this tiny little bump on the map and decided to stretch our legs and saw this shop. At first I thought they were closing because it seemed like the lights were out. I asked the lady behind the counter if they were closing and she looked at me like I was some kind of bug. The place was very dark and dismal, the merchandise was definitely not great quality. Though from the looks of the town it's not surprising. The staff were not friendly at all and I got the distinct feeling that they didn't like outsiders in their town. The staff also seemed to be more interested in gossiping about what I presume were their friends and neighbors. It looked like they had more things for sale down in the basement but honestly there was no way I was going down there. I left soon after without buying a thing because the whole place felt so oppressive and one of the most negative places I've ever been in. I think this store could have potential there doesn't seem to be very many businesses in this town so they could probably do quite well. But they have got to get some lights in there and throw out the more trashy items. Then the management should be correcting the negative attitudes of the staff, and putting a stop to the gossip. Because of the experience we got out of town as quickly as we could although we were hungry we waited till we got to the next little town 25 miles down the highway to eat lunch.